Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Sandhills of Yellowstone

Sometimes something as simple as a sandhill crane sitting on a nest in the middle of a pond can convey a sense of peace and joy.   Although we'd seen sandhills in Yellowstone before, I enjoyed watching this pair more than the others.  Perhaps it was because they were in such a beautiful setting,  because they were so interesting or because they looked so peaceful.  The female remained on the nest while the male dug in the shallow pond to get more debris for the nest.  He then flew over to the side of the pond to look for food for his mate.   Based on what we'd seen in other nests, it was too early for their eggs to have hatched, due to the extreme cold weather in Yellowstone this spring, but soon there will be little sandhill cranes running through the grass.  I wish we were going to be there to see them, but we had to return home to our normal lives.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and I guess all good things must come to an end.  Visit to see more new pictures.

I hope you enjoy the sandhills and have a wonderful day.

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