Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Some friends and I went to the Grand Canyon exhibit at the Kansas City library yesterday. The photographs are absolutely beautiful and I would encourage everyone to visit this exhibit if it comes to their vicinity.

Some of the photographs had quotes on the accompanying plates. The following quote tells what photographer Dugald Bremner, who was killed in a kayak accident in 1997, thought was important in photography and in life. "To find inner harmony, to lead an exciting life, to have a sense of accomplishment. And to always cultivate wisdom."

Although my photographs pale in comparison to most of the photos I saw at the library yesterday, I will keep trying, and will continually strive to do the best I can, in life and in photography. The above picture was taken in Glacier National Park, but at some point, I would like to return to the Grand Canyon and try to capture the beautiful colors I saw in the photos yesterday. Perhaps that will be one of my projects for next year.

I hope you have a wonderful day and will try to lead your best life.

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