Thursday, September 22, 2011

Look and Listen

Are you looking at the world or just seeing it?  Do you really listen to music or just hear it?

Does this sound crazy?  If so, just think about it for a minute, because it makes sense.  When you walk around, your eyes are open, so you're naturally going to SEE things, but are you really looking?  Assumming your ears work, you are going to hear sounds, but are you really listening?   Are you looking at the details of a flower or noticing how the light brings out the brilliant colors of a simple object?  Are you noticing the variety of colors in a sunset or the reflections in a puddle of water?   If  not, you're missing the joy and the  wonder of the world around you.

When you hear music, are you listening to the beat or to the sounds of the different musical instruments?  Do you hear the nuances of the musical score or notice the compleities of the chords or do you merely HEAR the music?  If you truly listen, you'll notice these things and the music will be more enjoyable and more meaningful to you.

Just for today, try really looking at your world and really listening to the music you hear and to the sounds of nature.  You'll probably be surprised at how much more you enjoy your day.

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