Sunday, July 3, 2011


"Always remember that every obstacle is a test and an opportunity." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Where would we be today if our forefathers had looked at the mountains as they were heading West, and decided that they were too tall, that there was absolutely no way around them, and just given up?  Or, what if Columbus had decided that the seas to the New World were too rough and just given up?  Sometimes things in life just aren't that easy.  That doesn't mean, however, that they're not worth working for or worth fighting for, and that we should just crawl back into our little shells and give up.  If you really want something badly enough, or think something is important enough, just do whatever it takes to get it done.  That's how changes are made, countries discovered and new things invented. It just takes perseverance, time and courage.  So, next time you encounter an obstacle that you think you can't overcome, figure out what you need to do to accomplish your goal and just do it.

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