Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Capturing Moments

When you grab your camera and go on a photography outing, remember that your goal is not just to take a picture, but to "make" a picture, to tell a story. One way to do that is by capturing moments. A picture of this baby Colubos monkey or the mother, by themselves, would not create the feeling that you get when viewing this tender moment between the two primates. Capturing moments isn't always easy, though. This baby was jumping around, hopping from place to place and, generally, being very difficult to photograph. If I had just snapped off a couple of pictures and then left, I would have missed this heart-warming scene of mother and baby. Getting the picture you want takes time. If you just take a picture, you won't be as satisfied as if you'd taken the time to "make" a picture. So, slow down, look at your subjects and think about what they might do next. Try to anticipate their actions and always have your camera ready to go.

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