Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ducks In A Row

Each year, as New Year's Day approaches, we often reflect on what has happened during the past year and look to the new year with anticipation and hope. We want to do better, be more successful in our businesses, be a better person, etc. But what is going to make that happen? What is going to help us reach our goals? What is going to make us do better than we did during the past year? We all have things we want to accomplish in life but often, due to unforeseen circumstances, lack of planning or just plain procrastination, we don't get them done. The years go by and we wonder where they went and feel regret that we don't have more to show for them.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer says, "The more you see yourself as what you'd like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you'll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dreams into reality."

So, in this new year, set your goals, plan your action steps and see yourself accomplishing those goals that have been so elusive in past years. I'll be right there working with you trying to do the same. Take a look at the picture above and ask yourself if you're ready to start the new year. Have you set your goals? Have you planned your course of action? Do you know where you're going? Or to put is simply, "Do you have all your ducks (or geese) in a row?" :)

I wish all of you a happy and prosperous 2010. Leave me a message from time to time and let me know how you're doing. Perhaps we can inspire one another so we can all reach those elusive goals.


Sherri Meyer said...

Carolyn - perhaps this is your best post to date, at least from the ones I have seen. You have a great talent for writing, as well as photography.

I love the duck photo. It illustrates your post so well. Did you shoot the ducks for this purpose? Or, was your post idea born because of the photo?

Excellent post. I hope more people read & comment on this!!!

Happy New Year!


Carolyn Fox said...

I thought "ducks in a row" when I took the photo yesterday, but not particularly for my blog. When I was looking for something to write this morning, though, it seemed very appropriate.

Thanks very much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave messages. I wish more people would do that. I know there are some people who look at my blog every day, but they don't usually leave messages. It makes it a lot more fun when people participate.

Happy New Year to you and Jeff too! I look forward to collaborating with you in 2010. Should be fun!

Terri Scribner said...

Great advice!! Now to finish my goal planning!! Happy New Year to you!!

Carolyn Fox said...

Thanks Terri! I have to work on my goals and action plan too. Have a great New Years!

Anonymous said...

Great photo and inspiration. I will get my ducks in a row in 2010. Patty

None said...

I posted on the today's post instead of this one... but the sentiments are the same. Great pic, and great words of advice!

Carolyn Fox said...

Hey, Everyone, thanks so much for your comments. Reading them makes blogging worth the effort!

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Carolyn, Thank you for sending me the Happy New Year message. I've not visited your website or Blog in the past. You have done an awesome job on both. I enjoyed your blog, and yes, I needed to hear the words you wrote, and the encouragement to get it done!

I agree with Sherri - you have a great talent for writing, as well as photography. I thought your recent article about Greensburg was very informative and inspirational; quite an example of having a PLAN!

Wishing you a Happy New Year!


Carolyn Fox said...

Thanks so much, Everyone, for your comments. I hope you'll stop by often and leave messages. I'd love to hear what you think. If you don't want to leave a message, though, stop by anyway. Have a GREAT day and a GREAT year!