Sunday, October 18, 2009

Over The Top?

Ok, I'm looking for opinions today. I took this picture at Glacier National Park last month using a process known as HDR. I took 3 pictures, one at 0 (what the camera's meter suggested), one at -2 and one at +2 & then merged them in a program called Photomatix. The result was picture #1 (the top one). In the bottom two photographs I also used a plug-in called Topaz Adjust in different intensities. My question is whether or not you think the last photo (#3) and or the second photo (#2) are over the top or if the additional color makes them better. Photography is very subjective & I'm just trying to get different opinions on this somewhat controversial subject. By the way, if you've never tried HDR, or never used a plug-in, I'd suggest that you try it. It can add a new dimension to your photography. Plus, HDR will enable you to get good pictures that you otherwise couldn't get in situations with extreme lighting conditions. At the end of the day, I'll tell you which one I prefer and see how it compares with yours. Anyway, I hope you'll take a minute to leave your opinion.

By the way, if you can't leave a message any other way, just click on anonymous & leave your name in the message if you wish. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll come back soon.


Anonymous said...

I like the second one. I think the third one might be pushing it over the top.


Diane said...

It was neat to see the 3 photos in a row to be able to compare. I like the 3rd one the best, it doesn't look over the top to me. #1 is a little flat, #2 is good until you see the differce made in #3. Interested to hear what everyone else thinks.

Sherri Meyer said...


Great idea for a post. I've never tried HDR. I plan to soon, however!

I prefer #3. It's not over the top in my opinion, but I LOVE vivid color.

Photo #1 would be my last choice, but all are great!


Colleen Farrell said...

Hi Carolyn,
I love the HDR look and I really like #2 and #3. I'd pick #3 as my favorite. Purists might say it's over the top because it clearly has that "HDR look." I think a lot has to do with whether one likes HDR/Topaz or not. For me, it works well with this beautiful subject. You could probably please everybody by picking #2, though.

Sharon Day said...

I like three best but I'm a color junkie ;).

Anonymous said...

I like #2 the best, I would like it better if you pulled the color off the mountains on the right.

Carolyn Fox said...

Ok, as you can see here, picture #3won by a 4 to 2 margin. I was leaning towards #2, but have decided that I like the enhanced colors of #3 better, so I guess I'll go with the majority. Thanks for participating. I appreciate your comments.

By the way, for those of you who haven't tried HDR, give it a shot. It's fun & certainly adds a new dimension to photography.