Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Point & Shoot Pic

The King of the Jungle posed nicely for me for this picture. I took it with my Canon point & shoot camera, because my Canon 40D stopped working. The green focus indicator light comes on & it appears to be ready to take a picture, but when I click the shutter, nothing happens. I tried several different things, such as removing the lens, battery, CF card, etc., but nothing helped. I spoke to a Canon tech who had me do a number of other things to see if we could solve the problem, but to no avail. He said he's never seen that particular problem and that I'd need to send it in. Big bummer! I hope they get it back to me quickly & that it doesn't cost too much for the repair. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I guess I could let my camera problems stress me out and ruin my week (or month), but I'm not going to do it. Life will go on, I'll get my camera back and, in the meantime, I'll just use my other DSLR. Plus, I'll keep telling myself that it's not situations that cause stress; it's how you react to them.


Laura Clay Ballard said...

Fab shot!

Anonymous said...

Good Pic, I like his pose. Hope Canon speeds the fixed D40 back to you ASAP!

Carolyn Fox said...

Thanks, Laura and Dave. I certainly hope Canon sends my repaired 40D back soon too. I'll certainly miss it while it's gone.